Thursday, August 1, 2013

Action Research Template

Below is my Action Research Project Planning Template.  In my new position as lead teacher for my school, I will be responsible for this class of 2016 cohort.  This project will be dynamic in that students will need credit recovery throughout the school year, so adjustments will be made as the data indicates.

Action Planning Template
Background:  Students who have completed their first year of high school have failed to receive the necessary class credits to stay on track to graduate in four years. During the 2013-2014 school year, instructional strategies will be implemented to assist the 2016 cohort earn the credits needed to be consider juniors at the end of the school year.
 Goal:  How will implementing instructional interventions and strategies  (including credit recovery/grade repair) impact the number of students who make satisfactory progress and will be on-track to graduate in 2016
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Determine cohort participants

C. Miranda
8/12/13 – 8/19/13
Enrollment Data
List of students and their credit totals to date.
Gather Data

C. Miranda
8/12/13 – 8/19/13
Academic Transcripts
EOC Results
Which students will have schedule changes prior to start of school?
Literature Review
C. Miranda
8/12/13 – 8/19/13
EBSCO Access
Reflections of information learned.
Meet with students One-on-One

C. Miranda
Academic Counselors
Academic Transcripts
Grade Reports
EOC Results
Student Folders
Field Notes of Meetings
Which students are identified as most at-risk?’
Gather Data
3-Week Progress Reporting Period

Analyze Data
C. Miranda
9/19/13 - 9/24/13
Progress Reports
Attendance Reports

Access to all data collected
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
What is the progress of students identified at the beginning of school year? 
Which students may need to be added to receive intervention?

Updated Excel Spreadsheet
Conduct Parent  Interviews
C. Miranda
9/30/13 – 10/4/13
Interview Questions
Additional Student Support Resources
Field Notes of Meetings
Reflect/Present Student Progress & Findings to Leadership Team
C. Miranda
Leadership Team
10/7/13 – 10/12/13
Summary of Progress
Journal Observations and Reflections
Gather Data
3-Week Progress Reporting Period

Analyze Data

C. Miranda
10/10/13 – 10/15/13
Progress Reports
Attendance Reports

Access to all data collected
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Updated Excel Spreadsheet

Which students need grade repair interventions?

Conduct Teacher Survey
C. Miranda
10/14/13 – 10/25/13
Survey Monkey
Summary of Teacher Input
Which students have teachers identified as needing interventions?
Conduct Classroom Observations
C. Miranda
10/14/13 – 10/25/13
Student Schedules
Teacher Notification
Field Notes
Gather Data
9-Week Grading Reporting Period

Analyze Data

C. Miranda
10/24/13 – 10/29/13
Nine-Week Failure Report
Attendance Report

Access to all data collected
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel

Updated Excel Spreadsheet

Which students regained credit?
Which students will be added to credit recovery?
Change Student Schedules
C. Miranda
Academic Counselors

10/24/13 – 10/31/13
Student Schedules
New Student Schedules
Gather Data
3-Week Progress Reporting Period

Analyze Data

C. Miranda
11/14/13 – 11/19/13
Progress Reports
Attendance Reports

Access to all data collected
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Updated Excel Spreadsheet

Which students need grade repair interventions?

Conduct Student  Survey

C. Miranda
12/2/13 – 12/5/13
Survey Questions
Summary of Student Responses
Change Student Schedules
C. Miranda
Academic Counselors
1/6/14 – 1/10/14
Student Schedules
New Student Schedules
Gather Data at the End of  9-Week Grading Period

Analyze Data

C. Miranda
1/9/14 – 1/14/14
Nine-Week Failure Report
Semester Failure Report
Attendance Report

Access to all data collected
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Updated Excel Spreadsheet

Which students gained credit?

Which students lost credits?

Reflect/and Present Student Semester Progress & Findings to Leadership Team
C. Miranda
Leadership Team
1/13/14  - 1/17/14
Summary of Progress at the End of 1st Semester
Journal Observations and Reflections
Gather Data
3-Week Progress Reporting Period

Analyze Data

C. Miranda
1/30/14  - 2/4/14
Progress Reports
Attendance Reports

Access to all data collected
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Updated Excel Spreadsheet

Which students need grade repair interventions?

Change Student Schedules
C. Miranda
Academic Counselors
1/30/14 – 2/7/14
Student Schedules
New Student Schedules
Conduct Classroom Observations
C. Miranda
2/3/14 – 2/7/14
Student Schedules
Teacher Notification
Field Notes
Gather Data
3-Week Progress Reporting Period

Analyze Data

C. Miranda
2/20/14 – 2/28/14
Progress Reports
Attendance Reports

Access to all data collected
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Updated Excel Spreadsheet

Which students need grade repair interventions?

Gather Data at the End of  9-Week Grading Period

Analyze Data

C. Miranda
3/20/14 – 3/28/14
Nine-Week Failure Report
Attendance Report

Access to all data collected
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel

Updated Excel Spreadsheet

Which students gained credit?

Which students lost credits?

Which students continued to require assistance?
Gather Data of
3-Week Progress Reporting Period

Analyze Data

C. Miranda
4/10/14 – 4/18/14
Progress Reports
Attendance Reports

Access to all data collected
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Updated Excel Spreadsheet

Which students need grade repair interventions?

Gather Data of
3-Week Progress Reporting Period

Analyze Data

C. Miranda
5/1/14 – 5/9/14
Progress Reports
Attendance Reports

Access to all data collected
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Updated Excel Spreadsheet

Which students need grade repair interventions?

Conduct Student/Parent  Surveys

C. Miranda
5/12/14 – 5/16/14
Survey Monkey
Summary of Responses
What was impact of interventions?
Gather Data
3-Week Progress Reporting Period

Analyze Data

C. Miranda
5/22/14 – 5/30/14
Progress Reports
Attendance Reports
Access to Eduphoria/TEAMS

Access to all data collected
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Updated Excel Spreadsheet

Which students gained credit?

Gather Data at the End of  9-Week Grading Period

Analyze Data

C. Miranda
6/9/14 – 6/13/14
Grade Reports
Attendance Reports

Access to all data collected
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Ex
Updated Excel Spreadsheet

Which students gained credit?

Which students lost credits?

How many students of 2016 cohort are on track to graduate?
Reflect/Present Student Progress & Findings to Leadership Team
C. Miranda
Leadership Team
6/16/14 – 6/20/14
Summary of Progress at the End of the Year
Copies of Report