Sunday, July 28, 2013

My New State of Mind

"Essentially research is nothing but a state of mind....a friendly, welcoming, attitude towards change...going out to look for change instead of waiting for it to come" (Kettering, in Boyd, 1961)

Even though the 2013-2014 school year is still four weeks away, for me it has started. I liked that
Dana refers to the places where to find your "wonderings"  as passions.  I find that my pasions overlap, but I finally decided that my action research project is working with students that always draw me in - the struggling learners.  I'm excited to begin researching my topic and the putting into place interventions that I hope will make these students successful.  For several years now,  I have started the school year hopeful, but ended frustrated that we had kept doing the same things with the same results.  I am excited to be part of a process of change and hope that the information learned will help all students feen confident and truly become life long learners.   Every kid wants to do their best - they don't come to school wanting to fail, it is up to us to hep them succeed!

Let the Journey Begin!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

How educational leaders might use blogs...

      Educational leaders can use blogs to connect with other leaders to collaborate and share information.  When building a professional learning community (PLC), with other educational leaders, blogs can be a useful way the PLC can communicate and learn from each other.   Blogs can be accessed and updated easily from anywhere, and others can provide comments and feedback.  Because blogs show post in reverse chronological order, they allow educational leaders to record and reflect on their thoughts at any given time.

What I learned about Action Research

           Before beginning this class I would have thought that action research would be done in a library looking up scholarly articles and summarizing them.  I have since learned that action research or administrator inquiry is a tool that can be used by a principal to “help them untangle the complexity of their work as administrators and bring the focus of their work back to their leadership in teaching and learning” (Dana, 2009 pg. 2).  Action research is a process that begins with the administrator examining and reflecting on their own practice.  During these reflections, questions or which Dana calls “wonderings” are formed by administrators.  The process, which is not linear, continues with collecting and analyzing data, and sharing the learned information with others. Action research allows principals to gain a better understanding of their practice and in turn helps them improve their schools. 

            As a classroom teacher, I have always been reflective in my practice looking for ways to improve lessons and increase student achievement.  I’ve learned that action research is based on teacher action research.  Action research is done in the confines of a principal's own school building.  Administrators involved in action research are in the best position to enable the changes that come from the knowledge gained during their own inquiry. 

            Finally, I learned that action research is also a tool that a principal can use to continue their own professional development.  In the past, principals like teachers had worked in isolation.  Action research allows for collaboration with other principals and teachers.  By participating in action research principals can become models for their teachers and students as lifelong learners. 

Saturday, July 13, 2013


Just got back from San Antonio, where I attended the Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teachers (CAMT).  I had the opportunity to hear Dan Meyer and are now following his blog-  

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Welcome to C.Miranda's Blog!  I will be using this blog to chronicle my journey as I pursue my Masters in Educational Administration.  I will share information about my action research project.